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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Non Verbal Communication free essay sample
Name: Sithembile Musemburi Assignment 1: What parts of non verbal correspondence are probably going to vary when individuals from various societies impart? Correspondence is a significant part of the human life, since the correspondence helps people and different creatures to associate with one another, as people and as free gatherings. Correspondence serves various capacities; to spread data, to communicate thoughts and feelings, for instruction, to assemble connections, for amusement and for dynamic purposes and is done verbally or non - verbally. Verbal correspondence includes the utilization of language, discourse and voice where as in non verbal correspondence the body does the coding for us in type of signals, outward appearances, stance, and paralanguage. This is the reason nonverbal correspondence is likewise named the non-verbal communication. Culture establish the totality of socially transmitted standards of conduct, expressions, convictions, foundations, and every other result of human work and thought. These examples, characteristics, and items are the outflow of a specific period, class, network, or populace. Consequently examples, qualities, and items considered as for a specific people may not be treated in a similar respect to another individuals. This exposition tries to depict the parts of non-verbal correspondence that are probably going to contrast when individuals from various societies convey. Models will be attracted from various societies to show these distinctions in societies Samovar et al (2009), characterized correspondence in the accompanying way, â€Å"communication happens at whatever point significance is ascribed to conduct or the buildup of conduct. With this, various individuals from various societies can give various implications to conduct contingent upon how they got it. This announcement likewise underpins that we should be cautious about how we go about as somebody can offer significance to our activities whether they were cognizant or oblivious. Culture has been characterized by Hall (1974), as the medium advanced by people to endure. He further expresses that nothing in our lives is liberated from social impacts. The manner in which individuals talk, dress, eat, walk is affected by their way of life. This clarifies why culture and correspondence can not be isolated as it greatly affects correspondence also. Culture isn't hereditarily characterized however is learned through the general public we develop in. As a kid develops in a network, they learn through perceptions and being encouraged what is adequate and inacceptable in that culture. This thus shapes the estimations of that kid. Hoebel and Frost characterize culture as a, â€Å"integrated arrangement of scholarly personal conduct standards which are normal for the individuals from a general public and which are not the consequences of organic legacy. The earth and setting one was raised in and lives in decides how we convey. Non verbal correspondence as indicated by Samovar et al (2009) is,†any correspondence that includes non verbal improvements that are created by both the source and their utilization of the earth and that have potential message an incentive to the source or collector. †The practices that a great many people take part in intentionally and unwittingly add to non verbal correspondence. A reflex activity of conduct is activated during a discussion that can sell one out regardless of whether verbally they appear to be in concurrence with what is being said. Non verbal conduct can undoubtedly substitute the verbal correspondence as it speaks to our actual feelings much of the time Although Ekman et al (1975) recommends that some non verbal correspondence parts of outward appearances are all inclusive, there are numerous parts of non verbal correspondence which vary starting with one culture then onto the next. As much as outward appearances of outrage, dread, bliss, pity, and shock are pretty much the equivalent among all societies there are some non verbal viewpoints that mean very surprising things starting with one culture then onto the next which may have genuine repercussions to the sender and beneficiary whenever coded and decoded in numbness. An off-base motion or outward appearance can represent the deciding moment a business arrangement or proposition whether it was expected or not. As much as culture is various everywhere throughout the world, non verbal parts of correspondence will undoubtedly contrast contingent upon where you are and where you are from. Those angles incorporate however are not constrained to the accompanying, outward appearances, head developments, hand and arm signals, physical space, contacting, eye to eye connection, and physical stances. Albeit grinning is comprehended as an outflow of joy in many societies, in certain societies like the Chinese it might mean something miserable or awkward is being talked about. Be that as it may, in Bulgaria and Thailand, gesturing implies the inverse, an exceptionally unequivocal no. Physical space alludes to the separation which individuals feel good moving toward others or having others approach them. It very well may be sorted into the accompanying , close space held for cozy relations, private or individual space for companions and family members, social space for coworkers , associates, at that point open space for outsiders. Individuals from specific nations, for example, portions of Latin America or the Middle East regularly feel good standing nearer to one another, while people of Northern European plunge will in general lean toward a moderately more noteworthy separation. Ruch (1989) composes, â€Å"Typical Arab discussions are at short proximity. †He goes on further to state that;†closeness can't be avoided†. Despite the fact that is it is so with the Arab, they have special cases when to comes to chatting between a man and a lady as Samovar et al (2009) express that, In Arab societies a man isn't permitted to stand near a lady not even his better half where as in western nations a couple signal their relationship by strolling next to each other. This implies relying upon one’s culture, separation now and again isn't really controlled by the relationship but instead by the sex of the individuals in question. This clarifies why in certain individuals would move away or step in a transport line when they feel one is standing really close along these lines attacking their private space. The utilization of hands to convey can help cognizance or hinder it, contingent upon the circumstance. Some hand signals that are famous in one culture have no importance or a totally unique significance in another culture. A genuine model is the approval motion or the OK sign. These have disgusting implications in Iran and Latin America, separately, yet in different nations the â€Å"OK sign methods just â€Å"zero†, which isn't hostile. In the Unites States it is utilized as a sign for endorsement and achievement, while the disapproval pass on the inverse. In Europe the approval is likewise a sign for farewell, or a welcome in passing, particularly among youngsters. Contact is likewise another part of non verbal correspondence that is socially decided and along these lines can likewise be misconstrued and confounded. Contingent upon the specific circumstance or situation that prompted the touch, it sends across various messages. Various societies have various convictions on what parts of the body can be and can not be contacted. In Asians societies, the head is said to house the spirit so most Asians don't contact the head and don't need their heads contacted. A few Americans are irritated whenever addressed the head as they feel deprecated. Contact is utilized as an indication of solace, to excite, to demonstrate warmth, to welcome, to ensure, to praise on a vocation very much done and even to incite. Albeit a handshake is basic as a methods for welcome in many societies, as indicated by Jones (n. d. ), ‘Never expect that somebody from another culture needs to shake hands by any means. †This welcoming is unconventional to certain societies as such one ought not accept that it is an all inclusive motion of welcome. She further advices guys never to endeavor warmly greeting a lady from another culture except if she broadens her hand first. †This is ascribed to that contact between individuals of the other genders is confined in the Asian and Arab societies which are generally Muslim states so hand shakes are not suggested except if in any case showed. Kim (1992) additionally sees that Asians don't contact normally during a discussion particularly between individuals of the other genders in light of the fact that numerous Asians societies don't have faith in broad daylight show of warmth and closeness.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Environment and corporate culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Condition and corporate culture - Essay Example Proactive reasoning and versatile technique structures is center ideas which can assist associations with executing a culture inside an association to adapt up to the quick moving turns of events. Association confronting a tempestuous situation must have a versatile culture so as to stay up with the changing states of market. It is basic for each association to follow the switching condition and return up with procedures on the off chance that they wish to make due in the business. There are number of items and administrations accessible in showcase, the person who concocts inventive and versatile procedures can endure the opposition. These days, there are number of counseling offices, which are offering their types of assistance to association. These offices help association in creating proper procedures and culture of themselves. Some of them incorporate Toffler Associates, Bloom Institute Inc and so on. Toffler Associates have arranged a benchmark measure for organizations with th e goal that they can start Adaptive Culture in their association. This rule accentuate fundamentally on five significant territories. So as to make an association versatile, an association needs to make changes in the accompanying five regions: I. Individuals ii. Procedure iii. System iv. Structure v. Innovation Any association can tap these five zones so as to seek after the Adaptive Culture. The status at which an organization needs to remain all together depict as an Adaptive Cultured association has been unmistakably referenced in the reports of Toffler Associates. So as to address the worldwide difficulties of 21st century, each organization needs to have some level of adaption. In this paper, organization will be talked about which has now gotten extremely noticeable because of its mechanical advancement and moment adaption. The name of this organization is â€Å"Apple Inc.†Apple Inc has outperformed practically all the major mechanical situated organization with regar ds to adaption and development. A point by point depiction of the adaption of Apple Inc has been referenced in the resulting areas of this paper. Versatile Culture at Apple Inc Corporate culture characterizes the specific arrangement of standards and qualities shared by individuals and gatherings of each association. Each association characterizes the objectives that are to be accomplished just as the principles of conduct for achieving these objectives. It is the obligation of the administration to characterize and convey these objectives association wide. By taking a case of Apple Inc, it very well may be expressed that in spite of number of changes in the CEO level of the organization, Apple Inc has kept up its corporate culture, which had been presented when the organization was established in 1970s. By taking a gander at the recorded presentation of the organization, it tends to be said that the organization has figured out how to keep a blend of two of the most significant soc ieties: I. Inventive Culture ii. Versatile Culture At the start, to certain degree, the way of life of the organization was Individualistic, which implies that it put accentuation on the individual strengthening and inventiveness of people. Worried to the difficulties and circumstances of 21st century, the top administration of the organization has reexamined their techniques. Hence, the underlying defiant, wild and individualistic culture has been changed over into rising, imaginative and versatile culture. Nonetheless, the fundamental beliefs of the organization have remained
Friday, August 21, 2020
“Wangoballwime†This is Akash: Akash is the president of the Class of 2009 (like someone else you might know). If youre wondering what Akash is actually gesturing towards in this picture, hang on. Well get to that. As I hope you all know, today was the premiere of a much-anticipated movie. What movie is that? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, of course! One afternoon about a month ago, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, Akash asked, Hey Laura, do you have any bread? Now Im a friendly kid, always willing to lend the proverbial cup of sugar to a neighbor, butI live in Burton-Conner (W51). Akash lives in Simmons (W79). Thats a pretty big neighborhood. That athletic field is a whole lot bigger than it looks on that silly little map. It turns out that Akash was visiting Ann 08, who lives in my suite, and had a sudden craving for garlic bread. It turns out that, after the freshman dinner, Meara left her garlic butter spread stuff sitting around my suite kitchen, and when Akash saw this, well, he just couldnt get garlic bread off his mind after that, apparently. I presented Akash with a loaf of white bread, and he went to work: As we worked, Akash talked about his plans for the 2009 Class Council. Well Laura, he said, I know you like Harry Potter. So I thought, Hey, Lauras an admissions blogger. She must be representative of the Class of 09. If Laura likes Harry Potter, lots of 09s probably like Harry Potter! So I think Im going to put together an event for MIT 09s to go to a showing of the new movie! This is actually what he said. I take no responsibility for the flawed logic Gee Akash, that sounds great! I said. OK, so thats not actually what I said. But something like it. Akash continued that he was thinking about trying to get us into a sneak preview, which would be pretty awesome. On the other hand, the sneak preview would take place on a Thursday night, and we MIT students have lots of work to do. I maintained that the awesomeness of a sneak preview would outweigh anything else. I obviously had no idea how hard my 18.01 pset was going to be. Anyway, Akash finished the garlic bread and kindly posed so that all of the prospective 10s could admire his handiwork: A few weeks later, when I heard that Akashs plan had gone into action, I signed up right away. Thats right ladies and gents, last night I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire three whole hours before anyone else! Mwahaha! And it was SO GOOD! Now dont worry, I wont spoil anything. Id just like to say that it was absolutely fantastic and I loved every last minute of it. I think that (finally!) they did a great job adapting the book to a screenplay- obviously they needed to cut some things out in order to make a movie that was less than 6 hours long, but I thought they did a super good job. The way they edited pieces together made the whole movie flow really nicely in a way that was coherent and true to story (if not exactly like the book). Im also glad they managed to include a lot of genuinely funny scenes to balance out all the dark content of this book- including both scenes from the book (Fred and George and the Age Line!) and original scenes as well (look for a good one with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Snape!) The Triwizard scenes were tense, the graveyard scene was scary, and the teenage crush scenes were cute. I guess Im biased because Im a huge Harry Potter fan, but I absolutely hated the 3rd movie when it first came out (although it has started to grow on me). In any case, I give it 2 thumbs up. Loved it! Meara and Adelaide waiting anxiously for the movie to begin. Also, that clever 09 Class Council held a costume contest and gave away free iPods to the winners! Luckily for me, the first place winner is in a couple of freshman core classes with me, so it was only moderately awkward asking her if I could take a picture of her to post on the Internet. Erica 09 had the most awesome costume ever, so Im really glad she won. I hope you get it immediately like I did, otherwise that just means Im a huge dork. Oh wait Click here to see the answer. And you know what the best part is? This wasnt even my cool adventure of the week! More on that later!
“Wangoballwime†This is Akash: Akash is the president of the Class of 2009 (like someone else you might know). If youre wondering what Akash is actually gesturing towards in this picture, hang on. Well get to that. As I hope you all know, today was the premiere of a much-anticipated movie. What movie is that? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, of course! One afternoon about a month ago, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, Akash asked, Hey Laura, do you have any bread? Now Im a friendly kid, always willing to lend the proverbial cup of sugar to a neighbor, butI live in Burton-Conner (W51). Akash lives in Simmons (W79). Thats a pretty big neighborhood. That athletic field is a whole lot bigger than it looks on that silly little map. It turns out that Akash was visiting Ann 08, who lives in my suite, and had a sudden craving for garlic bread. It turns out that, after the freshman dinner, Meara left her garlic butter spread stuff sitting around my suite kitchen, and when Akash saw this, well, he just couldnt get garlic bread off his mind after that, apparently. I presented Akash with a loaf of white bread, and he went to work: As we worked, Akash talked about his plans for the 2009 Class Council. Well Laura, he said, I know you like Harry Potter. So I thought, Hey, Lauras an admissions blogger. She must be representative of the Class of 09. If Laura likes Harry Potter, lots of 09s probably like Harry Potter! So I think Im going to put together an event for MIT 09s to go to a showing of the new movie! This is actually what he said. I take no responsibility for the flawed logic Gee Akash, that sounds great! I said. OK, so thats not actually what I said. But something like it. Akash continued that he was thinking about trying to get us into a sneak preview, which would be pretty awesome. On the other hand, the sneak preview would take place on a Thursday night, and we MIT students have lots of work to do. I maintained that the awesomeness of a sneak preview would outweigh anything else. I obviously had no idea how hard my 18.01 pset was going to be. Anyway, Akash finished the garlic bread and kindly posed so that all of the prospective 10s could admire his handiwork: A few weeks later, when I heard that Akashs plan had gone into action, I signed up right away. Thats right ladies and gents, last night I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire three whole hours before anyone else! Mwahaha! And it was SO GOOD! Now dont worry, I wont spoil anything. Id just like to say that it was absolutely fantastic and I loved every last minute of it. I think that (finally!) they did a great job adapting the book to a screenplay- obviously they needed to cut some things out in order to make a movie that was less than 6 hours long, but I thought they did a super good job. The way they edited pieces together made the whole movie flow really nicely in a way that was coherent and true to story (if not exactly like the book). Im also glad they managed to include a lot of genuinely funny scenes to balance out all the dark content of this book- including both scenes from the book (Fred and George and the Age Line!) and original scenes as well (look for a good one with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Snape!) The Triwizard scenes were tense, the graveyard scene was scary, and the teenage crush scenes were cute. I guess Im biased because Im a huge Harry Potter fan, but I absolutely hated the 3rd movie when it first came out (although it has started to grow on me). In any case, I give it 2 thumbs up. Loved it! Meara and Adelaide waiting anxiously for the movie to begin. Also, that clever 09 Class Council held a costume contest and gave away free iPods to the winners! Luckily for me, the first place winner is in a couple of freshman core classes with me, so it was only moderately awkward asking her if I could take a picture of her to post on the Internet. Erica 09 had the most awesome costume ever, so Im really glad she won. I hope you get it immediately like I did, otherwise that just means Im a huge dork. Oh wait Click here to see the answer. And you know what the best part is? This wasnt even my cool adventure of the week! More on that later!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Atheism And The Existence Of God Essay - 1294 Words
The question of who bears the burden of proof frequently comes up in debates between theists and atheists. In some cases, the theists claim that the atheists bear the burden of proof as it is a self evident fact that God exists. Whereas some atheists would claim that the theists bear the burden of proof since they are making supernatural claims. In the following essay I will be discussing both opinions on this matter, and perhaps show how the burden of proof lies on both of them and neither of them. I will begin this discussion by defining the recurring terms during the discussion on the existence of God. Traditionally the three attitudes one could hold towards the existence of God are theism, atheism and agnosticism. The belief in the existence of God or Gods, in specific of one that intervenes in the matters of the universe is defined as theism (Oxford Dictionaries, English, 2016). Atheism as defined in the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Spring 2013 Edition) refers to the negation of theism or in other words, the denial of the existence of God. Agnosticism is referred to one the maintains that the nothing is known of the belief of God or cannot be known (Oxford Dictionaries, English, 2016). A ‘burden of proof’ is seen as an obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position (, 2016). In debates on this subject matter, often times when theists are asked for the basis of their belief in God, they respond that theirShow MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God ( Theism And Atheism )2203 Words  | 9 PagesThe Existence of God (Theism and Atheism) Throughout the history of mankind, humans have believed in a variety of supernatural deities; some have believed in deities on a personal level while others view them as all-powerful protectors. 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He never really found a personal connection to Christianity and converted to Atheism, but after decades of arguing the non-existence of God, he came to the conclusionRead MoreAtheism And The Existence Of Deity1421 Words  | 6 PagesMerriam-Webster Dictionary defines atheism as â€Å"a disbelief in the existence of deity.†This definition of atheism is broad and general. Most people only know that atheism is the lack of belief i n a god or gods, but they do not know what atheists do believe in or if atheists have faith in anything. Also, atheism is often seen as the opposite of religion. Religion is the belief in a god or gods, while atheism is the disbelief in the same. Does this view of atheism limit our understanding of what itRead MoreSummary of Evil and Atheism This essay is a summary of William L. Rowes paper The Problem of Evil and Some Varaties of Atheism.1206 Words  | 4 PagesIn William L. Rowe s paper The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism he sets out to accomplish two main goals. The first goal is directed toward theists, while the second attempts to reach the very wellspring of an atheist s heart. Foremost, Rowe sets out to show that there is an argument for atheism based on the existence of evil that may rationally justify someone in being an atheist (335). After he has effectively addressed this first issue he moves on to try and convince the atheist
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Significance of Radical Thought and Attitudes in the...
The Significance of Radical Thought and Attitudes in the Civil War Period The Civil War caused turmoil and upheaval that affected every strand of life in England. It challenged and upturned the deeply ingrained feudal system with a Monarch as the head of all moral, spiritual and governmental life, and moved thought and order towards new democratic ideas and systems of rule. This period saw a new experimentation in ideas and attitudes among the population, which was not welcomed by many. As Christopher Hill writes What was new in the 17 centaury was the idea that the world might be permanently turned upside down. In the wake of Charless regicide there was a popular mid-seventeenth-centaury†¦show more content†¦As. Michel Lynch states: It was the great issue that defined settlement, or peace in this case. One group challenging this were the True Levellers mockingly known as Diggers: With beliefs in equality, community and true religion for all they argued that land was a common treasury and lived in communes detached from society. The most famous commune was on St Georges Hill, where common land was taken over by a group numbering around 50 led by Winstanly. Their ideas derived and supported from the Bible were radical in that they directly threatened the gentry and the landowners. As Michel Lynch states they . were regarded as an intolerable affront to established rights of property referring to a lifestyle of sexual promiscuity, heavy drinking and frequent blaspheming, usurping land laws and ownership. Reactions and accusations followed that they were Drunk on the Bible, thus dramatising many aspects of Digger practice. Just how seriously they challenged established order was evident in violent clashes that culminated in their removal under Cromwells orders Lynch further poses an interesting idea that In an exact sense they were communists. He is suggesting that here may lie the original seeds that led to later Communism. That the first statue of Winstanly was erected in Russia after Lenins consolidation of power shows th e extent of their influence in later history andShow MoreRelatedThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1198 Words  | 5 PagesDalilah Bernier Period 2 Part I Title: The Poisonwood Bible Author: Barbara Kingsolver Date of Original Publication: 1998 Biographical information about the author (five facts): -Kingslover was born in 1955 - Throughout her life, she has lived in England, France, and the Canary Islands, and has worked in Europe, Africa, Asia, Mexico, and South America. - Kingsolver was named one the most importantRead MoreSignificance And Significance Of The Civil Rights Movement Essay1800 Words  | 8 Pages Importance and significance are two different concepts. Importance denotes the value and influence of an event. Significance is different in that it means the importance of an event may not be immediately recognized until a later time. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research on Primates at the Zoo Free Essays
[pic] A Zoo for a Primate Observation 11/15/2012 For this paper I decided to visit Zoo Atlanta to observe lowland gorillas. I got to the zoo at around eleven in the morning and found out the feeding times for the gorillas. Once I found them, after watching them for a little while I selected the most active group to go watch during feeding. We will write a custom essay sample on Research on Primates at the Zoo or any similar topic only for you Order Now The point of this trip was to make me feel as if I was doing a field laboratory observation of primate social behavior and it definitely did. As you read my paper I will include what I saw, my feelings towards it, and also any questions or facts I received during my visit from volunteers or signs throughout the exhibit. To put this paper into perspective with this anthropology class I will be using five terms that are from chapter seven to relate the field observation. I hope you enjoy my paper, cause I sure enjoyed writing it. At Zoo Atlanta there are four troops of Lowland Gorillas although only three are located on the yards right now. The three different groups are Taz’s group, Ozzie’s group, and the Bachelor males. While observing the different groups Taz’s was the most active and therefore I decided to observe them especially during feeding. Feeding was at two fifteen in the afternoon and the feeder stood on top of the building that had a huge glass window to watch out. A volunteer gave the following information to me or I observed it for myself during my visit. Every group eats about six times a day including snacks. The most important meal being breakfast just like anatomically modern humans is served right before or right as the park opens. This meal is cute up in small pieces and scattered throughout the park so that they must forage for the food since this is what they would have to do in the wild. Before this meal they are served pre-breakfast which is considered a primate chow very similar to what dogs eat made my pedigree. They also get snacks throughout the day, mainly fruits. One thing that really shocked me is that they are ALL vegetarian. They are all so big and by first glance you would never imagine that. The thing that shocked me the most was during the feeding when every single gorilla got into a certain spot and that’s where he or she was fed this is mainly because they are not good at sharing, especially mothers. This process of them learning that they must get into their own spot is a great example of enculturation. Enculturation is the process of learning culture and transmitting it throughout generations. The last thing with feeding is that they do a process called RNR if they are still hungry. This act is known as regurgitation and re-eating. As nasty as that sounds they do it over and over until they are finally full. One crazy interesting fact is that on an average day a male gorilla consumes sixty-six pounds of vegetation a day. Other than food, other interesting things I found were the similarities of the lowland gorillas compared to humans. Can you believe they take the same medications as us? Well they do! They take heart medications due to genetic heart problems and see cardiologist just like us. Another similarity is when females are pregnant, there pregnancy last just about the same length of time, eight to nine months and they have only one at a time. One of their females actually had twins within the last couple years and the lady I spoke with kept repeating herself at how rare twins are between gorillas. She made a joke and I thought it was kind of funny, she said â€Å"she gave birth on Halloween so I think that was her way of saying â€Å"trick or treat†. The Atlanta Zoo is actually the only zoo with mother-reared twins, isn’t that awesome? Another thing is when the little gorillas were playing they were pretty rough just like little kids are when they are playing around. This is more of a comparison than a similarity but a sign in the zoo in the area that the gorillas were in, said â€Å"Gorilla’s have distinct nose prints like humans have distinct fingerprints. †Just like when the police are trying to identify someone they use fingerprints, well when people are trying to identify the gorilla they can use the different nose prints. I am now going to tell you what I learned while at the zoo and I will start that with the gorilla’s social behaviors. First off the gorillas were in the back of the park in the Ford African Rain Forest. Ford Company sponsors this area and they actually named one of the gorillas, Henry Ford. The first group I observed was the Bachelor’s and only two were out that you could see but three is apart of the yard. Their names are Stadi, Kekla, and Charlie. The two that were showing any social interest was Kekla and Charlie according to the volunteer but all they did was either sit down or move from branch to branch and sit again. I decided to move on after about ten minutes and that is when I saw Taz’s group. This group was constantly moving around, playing, â€Å"being rough†, climbing on rock figures set up for them in the exhibit, eating leaves, or relaxing in the sunshine. Henry Ford is also apart of Taz’s group. Gorillas live in families of two to twenty members, with usually one being male and the rest female and offspring. This is exactly the case with Taz’s group. There is nine altogether and I will list them from oldest to youngest: Kuchi, Taz, Kudzoo, Sukari, Lulu, Kazi, Macy B, Henry, and Merry Leigh (Willie B’s granddaughter). Within that group Taz is the only male other than Henry who is his offspring. Since these gorillas were actively on the move I did get the chance to hear and see a couple noises they make. The first was when Henry started running it sounded almost like drums, but vocally I did not hear anything and I asked the attendant and she said that all you really ever hear is them running around. The other thing that caught my attention that I thought was so cute was when Merry Leigh came up to the glass and thumped her chest. I thought that only happened it movies but it was the cutest thing. The volunteer said that this is her way of showing that she is the cutest one out there but can also be a sign to intimidate. Before Taz’s group was fed I observed their behavior for a couple hours. They were active especially compared to the Bachelor’s. The first thing I noticed was that Taz was sitting to the left of everyone at the back close to the fence/window. This brought me to question why and I was assured it was due to him being the â€Å"silverback†of the group. That means he is the protector, which is the father’s place. He sits there just about all day watching to make sure everything is going smoothly and that no one is acting up or is unsafe. He makes sure everyone is cooperating or using cooperative behavior. Just like in human families how the dad’s are the protectors it is the same scenario here. The children or â€Å"baby†gorillas played with each other throwing their arms around on each other while the mothers sat and watched. When they were done playing they would go climb on things or just be active. During my visit there was no conflict but at any point it could arise but the father, in this case Taz would take care of it. Some really interesting facts I found are that they do not have to drink water because they receive enough in their diet, although they are the largest primates. The average male gorilla weighs about three to four hundred pounds and can end up being six foot tall. Gorilla’s love sleep and an important thing to them is making a new nest to sleep in every night. As long as they stay healthy, especially ones in captivity can live to their late forties to early fifties. Overall, these little, well should I say big fellows are becoming endangered and unfortunately there is only about one hundred thousand left running around in the wild. One thing that really stuck out to me was that they have opposing thumbs, which is used for grasping and climbing. The full definition for opposing thumb is a thumb that can touch all the other fingers. Also, they see in color and in three-dimensional. Not only are they unique but also smart. At this point, they are undergoing cultural transmission along with the orangutans, which is a transmission through learning, basic to language. Overall, I must say they are very interesting mammals. In this paper I went over the socialization of lowland gorillas, along with their eating habits, similarities to humans, and also included some random facts in that I thought were very interesting. This trip to the zoo was enjoyed to the fullest and I hope this paper reflects that. Lowland Gorilla’s are actually very interesting and there is a lot more to them than I ever expected. Learning all this stuff about the gorillas makes me wonder what all I am really missing out there and what else there is to know about everything. Gorillas, lowland in particular live in troops usually with one head male and the rest females with offspring. They usually reach three hundred to four hundred pounds and have only one baby at a time. Their pregnancies last for nine months or just about, just like humans. They eat their vegetarian meals about six times a day, and do not have to drink water to survive because they receive enough in their meal. Some seem very active, especially younger ones while the bachelor troop seemed very laid back but that may be because they are older. On average, gorillas range from two to twenty per troop but the biggest I saw on my trip was nine. They can take prescription medications just like you and me! Even have some of the same problems such as cardiovascular problems and arthritis. Overall, we are very much alike although the chimpanzees are the closest versions of mammal to us. They have their own forms of communication, birth is very similar, we eat some of the same things, take some of the same medication, can reach the same heights, and we all have bodies with hair. This has definitely opened my eyes to things I have never seen or thought of before but learning new things is great so I believe this experience was well worth the price. My impressions of the zoo was that it was very well maintained and clean, yet kind of pricy but I understand that they need to make money to feed those beautiful animals. I enjoyed this assignment a lot, and I am glad I had the opportunity to do this. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ One of my favorite pictures I took at Zoo Atlanta while observing Taz’s group. How to cite Research on Primates at the Zoo, Essays
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